Duct Heaters

Duct Heaters

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Reliable Heaters & Electricals FZC manufactures a wide range of duct heaters, this duct heaters come in various sizes and dimensions to fit any compartment. There are three types of duct heaters available: open coil, tubular or finned tubular heating elements that are either flanged or inserted in the duct.  Air duct heaters are primarily used in air flowing ventilation systems and comfort-heating applications while process duct heaters are mainly used for industrial process heating applications

Common Applications Duct heaters are commonly used in the following applications. – Air drying facilities – Pre-heating of air – Inoculation air heater – Equipment’s used for air handling and controlling – For heating and reheating of terminal enclosures – In fan coils – Ovens for multi heat zones and to reheat flowing air inside a contraption – For melting and liquefying of objects and edible items like micro wave ovens – Core drying operations


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